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Mr. Mateo has been involved in scouting for many years. He is dad to a teenaged BSA Scout and a Tiger Cub.

Mr. Hemant and Ms. Neha are the dynamic duo leading our Lion and Tiger dens. They are parents to a Tiger son, and have been involved in the Pack for two years. 

Mr. Mateo

Mr. Hemant & Ms. Neha
Lions & Tigers

Mr. Sukhdev has been involved in scouts for two years. He has a teenage daughter in a Scouts BSA troop, as well as a Bear Cub son. 

Mr. Sukhdev
Wolf & Bear Den Leader


Ms. Emilie
Den Leader:  Webelos

This is Emile's 5th year in the Pack. She has served as den leader for all Cub ranks. This year she is leading the Wolf & Bear combo den. She is mom to an Arrow of Light daugher and a Bear Cub son.

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